February 20, 2013

Concert Review: Silent Nightmare, David Wilner Trio

Ultra lounge: (3/6) It feels like a bar, partly because it is one. Dark, but clean this little hole in the wall would be very easy to miss if you weren't looking for it. While the sound system was not the worst I've heard it really did not suit the main act. I suspect the lead vocalist's ridiculously wide range was too much for those speakers.

David Wilner Trio:(3/6) low production pop with heavy-handed metaphors and a an average voice. While it was far from horrible, I didn't find his music caught my attention. The music had a wholesome goody-good feel to it and a nebulously Christian feel. It was bland, but not bad. The keyboard work was decent, if forgettable.

Silent Nightmare (4/6): This little band has come a long way from their debut album back in 2011. They are a little all over the place, combining operatic vocals and nu metal guitar work. I feel like they are still trying to find their sound within a genera that is uncharted territory (there aren’t many operatic metal bands out there that aren’t symphonic). While they are much more cohesive than some bands I’ve seen, I think they really need to focus in and hone what makes their particular style.

Tara Duhan has a voice like a sultry angel and a range that puts most other artists to shame. She’s got the looks to match. While she is still finding her sweet spot, I’m confidant it is there. It is very clear she has both talent and training in spades. Duhan also has a lot more presence than most artists. I don’t think there was a single person in the room that didn’t have their eyes on her.

The music itself was oddly enough where the band got shaky. It took me quiet a while to figure out what was off. First off they haven’t quite gelled into a cohesive sound which will come with time. There were two big issues however. First the guitarist’s skill level varied greatly between songs, some songs he was solid on, others he was just plain off. (I think his g string wasn’t tuned right, I could be miss hearing). It wasn’t just the newer songs that were rough, either. The bassist was flat out subpar. She wasn’t terrible, just not on the caliber the rest of the band. The drummer was the savior of the low end. When the basest didn’t pull through, he was there to fill in the sound.

Fortunately for them, no one other than the critic in the audience was paying attention to the bassist. Duhan was a complete showstopper. Once she really hits her stride, she’s going to be amazing.  

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