December 6, 2013

Why, Yes, it is personal, pt.2 "Somebody's Gotta Feel This."

Yeah, yeah I quoted Kid Rock. Call the Taste Police.
Subtitle part two: Wherein Arin gets personal

I try to be not personal in this blog, but frankly I'm having a shit day. 

Another reason music is ridiculously personal, at least for me anyway, is that everyone has Pavlov-like reactions to certain music (You remember That One Song from a few entries back?) Maybe you hate that song because it's associated with an ex, maybe that other song makes your heart go nuts because it played when you found out you got into your first choice school. Maybe it’s that song you play to get yourself gunned up for something.

Whatever it is these songs are twined to things in our lives that are ours alone. They take us back to that one moment or that feeling. Sometimes you can't even explain it just *is*. 

Then someone has the damn nerve to say, "I really hate that song."

Oh, hell no.

 Weather we admit it or not we have this immediate gut reaction to people's reactions. Ever been forced to listen to a song you hate? Yeah. There’s that reaction again that "oh my god, I want to stab something."

And then when you try to share That One Song and someone else doesn’t like it, a part of you gets crushed. And it kinda ruins part of it. 

Folks, listen to me very carefully.

I don't give a fuck what song it is. It’s *your* song. Own that song with all of your heart. Don't let people try to fuck with that, even by accident. They don't like it? It’s their loss, not yours.

And that one song you hate? Fuck that song. You don't have to love all music ever.  But here's where I encourage a little compassion. Someone else might love that terrible song. It might have saved a life. Yes, that song. So have some respect about it. Stand by your hatred, but have respect.  

These are your songs. Especially in a day and age when we can pick and choose exactly what we hear. Music is that much more personal because you've hand picked these songs and artists.  This is your music. Not theirs. Own it. 

And don't be embarrassed by it either. I don't care if your song is "I love you, you love me" (or whatever that Barney song is called) own it. Hold onto it like the world's gonna catch fire. If it does it’s going to be you, the apocalypse and that music. 

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